The Raritan Blog

An Easier Way to Manage Broadcast Pre- and Post-Production Studio IT Assets

Paula Alves
March 14, 2012

Live programming requires access to playlists and content, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no exception, regardless of where the information is physically located. For easier information management, servers have in the past been placed in studios, control rooms, and editing suites.  However, space is often limited and the heat and noise generated are often bothersome.

If the video servers, corporate servers, database servers, animation servers, rendering servers, and playback servers become unavailable, quick troubleshooting and rebooting are essential to restoring operations, ensuring programming, and retaining consumers.  Centralizing these assets and equipping the engineering staff with remote management tools can help solve these challenges.

Raritan’s Remote Broadcast Server Management and Control Solution centralizes management and provides out-of-band, remote access of critical IT resources from anywhere. Combined with tight security, power, and environmental control, the Solution provides IT and engineering with the tools necessary to troubleshoot issues, restore operations and ensure broadcast availability …anytime and anywhere.

For more information on how Remote Broadcast Server Management and Control Solution can help your business, contact your authorized Raritan representative or see our website at:

For more information visit our Broadcast Solutions page here.

To DCIM or not to DCIM - That is the question

March 12, 2012

You may be wondering if a DCIM solution is right for you. According to Analyst, Rakesh Kumar at Gartner, there are six events that should trigger your decision to invest in a DCIM solution. The six are:

1. Specific power, cooling and floor space capacity issues

2. Data center consolidation projects

3. Building new data centers

4. Data center financial and cost reviews

5. Technical and architectural changes

6. Environment and sustainability focus

So the answer to the question, “To DCIM or not to DCIM” should definitely be: Yes, DCIM!

Raritan offers a comprehensive, yet easy to implement, cost effective DCIM solution designed to help you effectively manage the space, power and cooling within your datacenter.

Check us out at:

We will be at DatacenterDynamics New York on March 15th.

Dorothy Ochs
March 9, 2012

Join us for the JR Simplot Case Study Presentation at 3:10 pm in Hall 2. JR Simplot’s Data Center was maxed out of power with no procedures for cabling and equipment installs - it was every man for himself. Their goal was to be more efficient with power and to increase IT equipment rack density. They selected Raritan’s solution of intelligent PDUs, environmental sensors, and DCIM software. Learn how they achieved these goals.

For a complimentary pass, please contact We will also be raffling an iPad at our booth. Stop by!

Power IQ 3.1.1 is Available

James Cerwinski
March 5, 2012

Power IQ 3.1.1 is now generally available.

All customers are advised to upgrade to this new release.

The release notes and upgrade file are posted at:

Power IQ Support Page

For Improved Efficiency, Consolidate PDU, Server and Serial Device Control

March 2, 2012

One of the ways to improve efficiency in managing the data center is to consolidate access to disparate types of equipment into one secure, centralized interface. Requiring users to utilize separate access solutions is cumbersome and wastes valuable administration time & money.

To eliminate this problem, integration between CommandCenter Secure Gateway and Power IQ enables users who have deployed these solutions to easily access and manage their power infrastructure, servers and serial devices from a single CC-SG client.

Integration between the two enables convenient access and control of any PDU managed by Power IQ — including non-Raritan models — and is easy to implement, use and maintain.

The interface between CC-SG and Power IQ is very easy to configure. Data is easy to upload and synchronize between the two, which eliminates the need to enter duplicate data in each platform.

Data can also be exported from either platform, manipulated in Excel or other programs that accept a .csv file and then imported back into the system.

There are three primary points of integration between CC-SG and Power IQ:

1. Remote power control of Power IQ-managed PDUs from CC-SG – including non-Raritan models.

2. Synchronization of Power IQ with CC-SG to automatically import PDU profile information.

3. Sharing of CSV files.

Configuring communications between CC-SG and Power IQ is fast and easy. After activating the API in Power IQ, simply enter the IP address and a small amount of additional information in CC-SG.  Then, indicate how any duplication in node names should be handled during synchronization.  Synchronization is then set up as a task or it can be executed manually as needed.

Synchronizing with Power IQ and pulling updated information into CC-SG is easy to configure in the task setup menu. The task menu offers a great amount of flexibility, allowing organizations to match the synchronization interval with their operational requirements.

When the data is added to CC-SG, nodes are created for each device that’s connected to a PDU outlet and are displayed for easy access and power control.

So, eliminate doing double duty in your access & control of resources.  Leverage the synergies of CC-SG and Power IQ.  Key benefits include access to all data center resources from a single interface, eliminating redundant management of system users, and streamlined data management.

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