The Raritan Blog

The Impact of COVID on the Mission Critical Industry

Jessica Ciesla
March 17, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed already youthful developments of 5G and IoT infrastructure and took them to their limits.  In this blog, we recap 2021 trends for data center infrastructure.

Riding Out the Pandemic: The Importance of SmartSensors for Remote Management

Jessica Ciesla
March 8, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the data center industry’s reliance on remote management.  In this blog, we discuss the role of Raritan SmartSensors while looking back a year.

Will Governments Force the Data Center Industry to Become More Energy Efficient with Green Data Center Laws?

Jessica Ciesla
March 2, 2021

For the past year, the European Union (EU) has threatened to enact green data center laws including a goal of requiring data centers in Europe to be climate neutral by 2030. But in hopes of preempting government regulations, a group of European data center operators have signed a pact to self-regulate themselves.

KVM Switches & BIOS-Level Access – Part II

Jessica Ciesla
February 24, 2021

A previous blog discussed the fundamentals of the powerful “BIOS-Level Access” that KVM-over-IP Switches like the Raritan Dominion KX Switches provide. This blog covers more advanced features including: (1) virtual media usage in the BIOS, (2) special KVM features that we have implemented over the years, and (3) BIOS changes that are sometimes necessary to support BIOS usage by KVM switches.

Surviving COVID-19: Data Center Operators Turn to Remote Management During Pandemic

Jessica Ciesla
February 18, 2021

As we reach the one-year mark of the pandemic, enterprises and data center providers have continued to keep their data centers up and running thanks to remote management tools and a reduced IT staff that go on-site to maintain the physical infrastructure.

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