The Raritan Blog

Intelligent PDUs and the New World of Data Center Expansions

Jessica Ciesla
June 21, 2021

Expanding your data center does not always mean a building addition for extra capacity.  Intelligent PDUs play the role of providing flexibility and scalability at the rack.  

Why Edge Data Centers Are the Future

Jessica Ciesla
May 18, 2021

Enterprises, telecommunications companies, and cloud service providers will increasingly invest in edge data centers in the coming years to speed applications such as streaming video, factory automation, and telemedicine; and enable new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). 

Sensor-Mounting Best Practices: Meeting Growing Demands

Jessica Ciesla
April 27, 2021

This blog from Raritan answers the question, where best to mount environmental monitoring sensors in the rack?  From airflow to temperature, we address the highs and lows of sensor placement. 

Best Deployment Methods for Environmental Monitoring

Jessica Ciesla
April 14, 2021


Environmental monitoring is a data-intensive information gathering exercise. Read more to learn about best practices for deploying intelligent rack PDUs for environmental monitoring applications. 

Data Center Trends: Rack Densities and Outages On the Rise

Jessica Ciesla
March 30, 2021

Rack densities are increasing in data centers, but not enough to stretch existing resources and require wholesale changes in power distribution and cooling. Meanwhile, data center outages are becoming more frequent and disruptive – and they are mostly caused by power problems, according to a recent study by the Uptime Institute. Let’s take a closer look at these two trends.

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