The truth is that an efficient operating data center is crucial for a business to be successful. Have you considered what happens when external and internal factors cause a data center to shut down? Picture this, for every one minute that a data center is inoperable, it costs a staggering $8,851.
In this eBook we identify the advantages of colored rack PDUs. From keeping data centers safe and organized through branding and light optimization for dark racks.
Learn how a simple USB port can save you hundreds of thousands by eliminating copper- based network infrastructure costs, facilitating PDU setup and upgrades, and increasing physical security.
Data center leaders that opt for basic PDUs because they cost less than intelligent PDUs are making a big mistake. The truth is intelligent PDUs offer a significantly higher return on investment (ROI).
Software Based v. Embedded Service vs. KVM-over-IP Switches: Important facts to consider when choosing your Remote Server Management tools.
Sensors are an easy to install, cost-effective way to reduce energy costs, improve reliability, and increase capacity for future data center growth. But most managers do little beyond monitoring the temperature by checking the thermostat reading on the wall.